We look at the tiers & rewards of Plastic Invasion's Kickstarter project
Earlier today Plastic Invasion's Kickstarter project went "live". We recently looked a little at the book and the forthcoming videos on offer from Plastic Invasion as part of the campaign. There are several options available, so we thought we would first show you the individual items, then the packages:
Check out their launch video here:
The main key products from Plastic Invasion that make up the options you can purchase:
The Book: Scale Modelling WW2 1/35 German Camouflage Uniforms
Number one on the list is the new book from Plastic Invasion. A culmination of several years' work. The new comprehensive monograph from Plastic Invasion maps a total of six camouflage patterns used on german uniforms throughout the war and describes how to paint them with acrylics on figures in 1/35th scale.
Some images from the book:
In Plastic Invasion's upcoming Kickstarter campaign, the book is focused on the camouflage patterns, weapons and equipment of the German fighting forces in WW2. They had the unique opportunity to take pictures of iconic weapons like this original FG42 to include in the study.

The book has quite a unique concept. The authors worked with real actors in all chapters. They have also used real locations and studio environments for a perfect presentation of all camouflage patterns, equipment and weapons.

An integral part of this book are figure painting tutorials by top WWII figure painters such as Jaume Ortiz Forns and Branislav Lukačovič. The last part of each chapter is devoted to the painting of the figure and the systematic presentation of painting techniques in step-by-step articles.

In this guide, you will find both theoretical sections focused on the different types of paints, brushes, various preparations, and tools, as well as instructions for painting all selected camouflage patterns. And all of this, of course, with a detailed picture of each technique and a detailed description for each painting step.

The book will be available in three variants: Paperback | Hardcover | Limited edition (Hardcover)
Plastic Invasion has added a limited edition hardcover version of the book. This will not be available once the campaign is over.
The first book on the left is the paperback, then the hardcover blue book in the centre, whereas the limited Kickstarter cover on the right is black. You can choose from the three options.
The Limited edition of the book is also A4 size, has a black/gold cover, and is signed and personally dedicated by the author Pavel Beránek. The Limited edition is a unique collector's item as it will not be available after the Plastic Invasion crowdfunding campaign ends.
The Figure: RADO Miniatures 1/35th scale FG42 gunner from operation "Fall Eiche"
A new RADO Miniatures figure is also available as part of this package. It was made exclusively for the campaign and it is related to one chapter in our book - operation "Fall Eiche".
The Plastic Invasion team commissioned the figure from their re-enaction session dressed as Fallschirmjager re-enactors in a real location. A picture of the group you can see here...
The Video Tutorials:
Pz ll Ausf. C
The first two videos are focused on building a light tank Pz II Asf. C in a version of the French campaign of 1940. In these tutorial videos, they show you not only the building process with many tips and tricks but especially the painting and weathering of the popular Panzergrau colour.
This includes the pre-shading, colour modulation or rust and mud imitation.
Me 262 Schwalbe
In the same way, we will introduce you to the building process of the model of the first fighter jet in the world, the Me 262 Schwalbe.
You will get acquainted in detail, for example, with riveting the surface of the model. The video makers introduce you to how to work with resin parts or how to faithfully represent the cockpit of an aircraft. The selected camouflage and marking will represent the aircraft from the days of May 1945.
The Kits: Aircraft & Armour: Starter Pack = Starter kit + Starter tools.
There are two types of Starter kits available to choose from in the options of the campaign:
TANK set - A Pz. Kpfw 35(t) in 1/35th scale
AIRPLANE set - An Fw 190A-8/ R2 in 1/48 scale
Tank and Airplane Starter Packs
Please note that the content of the kits are not the same as in the Plastic Invasion tutorial videos. They don't want you to just repeat all the techniques, we want you to actually learn them by trying them out on your model. But don't worry, with our tutorials it will be much easier than it might seem. ;-). These are available in Sergeant Tank/Airplane tiers and in Major Tankist/Pilot tiers.
The Start Tool Set:
You can't start with an empty workbench, so Plastic Invasion has hand picked out a nice set of basic tools to get you started. The Starter tool works for both tank/aeroplane kits.
The set includes:
Set of 3 Flexi-Sanders Dual-Grit (90x19x6mm)
Plastic Modeling Tool Set (9 pcs)
Straight Fine Tweezers (120mm)
Scale modelling glue
However, we don't know what tools and aids you already have as many of you are very advanced modellers. That's why we decided to give you Starter tools as an add-on (+ 50 GBP), which you can choose in the second step after selecting your tier. On the other hand, the Starter tools can be useful for anyone who doesn't have them yet, so they can be added to any tier.
Note: You CAN buy a "Starter Pack" tier WITHOUT Starter tools (= you get Starter kit + additional rewards). It's up to you, just think of it as an option so you don't have to buy it elsewhere. (available in ALL tiers as an add-on)
Fallschirmjager Camouflage Set by Acrylicos Vallejo
This set of 8 acrylic colours, like the Fallschirmjäger figure from Rado, has its own story that was created together with our book.
It is a thoughtful selection of brand new Vallejo paints by Jaume Ortiz Forns, one of the most respected figure painters in the world, and an absolute must-have for anyone who has ever dreamed of believable shades for Fallschirmjäger figures.
In summary:
Kickstarter "Scale Modelling WW2" campaign from Plastic Invasion is now live!
You can choose any of these packages that include not only the items we highlighted but several other perks. The many packages seem to be a bit mind-boggling at first, but the good thing is there are so many options it is easier to find exactly what you want amongst them.
Also included along the way is the E-book version of the Figure book, Wartime mock-up photo sets, posters, a figure tool paint set by Vallejo and lots of other items you can find on their launch page.
Check out the project and see if you like any of the packages at this link